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IBM 5494 twinax controller

This is one of the rarer things in my collection. Ironically I got it for free when I picked up my AS/400s. It essentially allows you to connect twinax or token ring terminals to an AS/400 over a leased line.


full machine

The full machine. Note the strange display and tab for a pullout front panel.


Guts of the machine. It is very much like a PS/2 just without video or keyboard ports. It even has the cutout for the hard disk bay.

expansion IO ports

IO of the machine. I do not know much about this and would love to know more about it.

Opinions and links

This machine can be used in a very practical environment. I highly recommend it; the only snag is the microcode disks. Unless you have a 2.88MB capable PS/2 you cannot make one. If you are in the UK I need one written! Please contact me if you are willing to write one.

The microcode images